Properly fitting shoes are a must-have for babies, toddlers and kids of all ages. Wearing footwear that isn’t well fitted or properly designed for their growing feet can lead to poor development and foot problems later on in life.
Make sure you know your kids current shoe size. Because baby and toddler feet can grow half a size or more every few months, you should measure their feet every 2 months to avoid putting your child in shoes that are too small.
We have both a Sizing Guide, below on this page, and a PDF file where we give you a precise measuring table for your kid's feet. Use our guides to make sure you've got the perfect size shoes. Once your kid has the right size shoes, here's how to make sure they fit.
Make sure your child can easily move the front of the foot in his or her shoes and wiggle toes freely without any slippage or squished toes. Allow between 1 and 2 centimeters (or about a thumb's width) from the longest toe to the front of the shoe. More than 3 cm is too big; less than 1 cm is too small.